Some assorted thoughts as I enter month #2 of my employment here at UMW:
- I have been here … for a month?
- I have been here FOR A MONTH.
- My perspective on this is short and narrow so far, but it seems strange that a liberal arts college would focus so aggressively on attracting more men by de-emphasizing its past as a women’s college. I’m coming from a community that errs on the side of overselling its commitment to progressive education, so that’s a big change. Also, seeing an entire organization try to butch itself up is amusing to no end.
- Tim, Andy, Martha, and Jim are even more ridiculously creative and talented than they appear from afar.
- Adventures in anxiety, part 1: whenever a super cool project comes up, my first reaction is “I would love to do that, but I have all this other stuff to finish before I can tackle that.” And then I take a deep breath and realize: nope, those cool projects ARE my job. Sure, there is administrative and support stuff to do as well, but it’s like 10-25% of my job, instead of 95%. Another big change.
- Moodle who?
- Adventures in anxiety, part 2: when I think about doing presentations to classes starting next week, my impostor syndrome kicks in and says “OMG I have only been here for a month! I have no idea what I’m doing!” And then I take a deep breath and realize: nope, I have been using WordPress for 8 years and have more than enough experience talking to classes to knock those out. I need to do a little prep for each class to review what has been done in previous years, but I got this.
- Blogging on work time (it is quite literally a part of my job description, yo) feels like cheating.