Hello readers!
We’ve got two announcements for you today. First, I’d like to officially introduce and welcome our newest author, Felix. Like Barbara, he is both a language technologist and FL instructor, and we are thrilled to have him aboard. He should be making his first appearance in the next few days … please join me in running him through the gauntlet making him feel at home! 🙂
Also, we’re going to be premiering a new segment / podcast / thingamajigger called Tech-o Tuesday. Starting next week, we’ll offer entries every Tuesday (who would’ve guessed?) on the latest in technology, and practical suggestions for how it could make education much more better. Every second week will also include a short (5 – 10 minute) podcast. To get us rolling, our first episode will be a primer on using Skype. We’ve got a few topics lined up already, but we’d love to get your input. So, if you have an idea for a show you’d like us to do, or if (gasp!) you’d like to do one yourself, let us know!
Have a great evening, everyone!